March 7, 2025
I have no idea why we weren’t all taught this in grade school. But I do know that once you know the key to healing your cells you have the ability to heal any-thing.   Seriously, I have been watching severely sick people heal including myself from a multitude of dis-eases for a long time.


There are 37.2 trillion cells in your body.  Each cell is like a car engine.  Like any engine, parts go bad.  A Cancerous cell is nothing more than a cell that never got new parts to fix the worn out parts.  This can happen because of several reasons but the biggest reason is you have 12-15 lbs of poop laying in the intestinal track preventing the absorption of the nutrition into the blood stream to be transported to the cells.

    1. Clean the Small Intestine
    2. Cleans the Large Intestine
    3. Clean the Blood
    4. Deliver perfect nutrition to the cells

Why is this important.   A toxic system can lead to symptoms like brain fog, allergies, asthma, arthritis, headaches, pneumonia, colds, and even cancer of the colon.Your gut is your second brain. Every organ in your body from head to toe is connected to the intestinal tract.  You have 30-36’ of intestines and colon, containing the surface area the size of a tennis court, containing more neurons than you have in your spinal column.  Think of neurons   as cell phones. If you covered up your cell phone with poop would it receive a signal?  Of course not. Old poop prevents the neuron from  firing the nerves to the organs.  When this happens your body is out of balance. 
The quickest way to clean out this garbage is a colonic or colon hydrotherapy session.  A colonic entails you laying comfortably on a special made bed where you insert a small pencil size rectal tube into the colon. Over the period of 45 minutes to an hour the warm waters gently dislodges the old rotting poop and is carried  away.  After a session you will feel much lighter and refreshed and your neurons will be able to fire and your cells can receive new parts.   
March 7, 2025
A Recent study has proven that cities with 5G sWTF’s ( Small Wireless Telecommunication Facilities) had a 79% increase in Covid infections, and a 94% higher death rate per million, than cities that did not. With or without Covid 19, 5G is going to be a disaster. Here is what you need to know. 5G is not about making Cell phone calls better. 5G is for “Information services”, (think broadband data, emails, downloading movies, etc.) and falls under title 1 of the FCC code. The Treasure valley already has a perfect and superior safe fast coverage for this via cable. Sparklight and Century link are two known providers. 5G is much slower than DSL. There has been over 20,000 studies that show that electromagnetic Frequency is damaging. Many countries and some counties in the United States have banned 5G because of the known risks. The Environmental Health trust along with the children’s defense fund is suing the FCC now on the Health Damages of 5G. In Idaho a few cities have made the smart and safe decision to increase wireless speed over that of the much slower 5G and Cable by wiring Fiber-optics to the home and offices and thereby eliminating the known risks of 5G Frequencies. As 5G towers start to turn on in the Treasure Valley we have found people who are beginning to be the victim of the damage caused by this radiated frequency, which is 25,000,000 times greater than what is needed to have 5 bars on a cell phone. Hank, a local realtor, and small farmer has become the victim of this horrendous power. In March of this year Hank checked on his beehive. The hive was intact with live bees. On or about April 15th, a tower was turned on 600 yards from his home. Hank went into Afib and has been hospitalized not once but now over 7 times with Afib. The bees in his hive all died. Over 20 of his neighbors have stated that they have noticed a difference in their body. Hank hired a professional to measure the power from this tower and discovered that the frequencies are 100,000 times greater than what is needed. Rosa - a mother with 2 children started noticing a high pitch sound and has not been able to sleep in her home. Her Boys don’t feel well and can’t concentrate. When she leaves her home and goes away for a weekend, her and her family are fine. Sleep is restored and there is no brain fog. When they return their symptoms return. A newly installed 5G tower is a few yards from her home. Americans’ private property rights are being ignored. All Americans have the right to the private enjoyment and safety of their property. When a citizen goes to remodel their home, under certain conditions the neighbors are informed, and they have an opportunity to voice their dissent or consent. With 5G the citizens are being denied their right to due process. Imagine a neighbor decides to convert the use of his property to a feedlot. It's obvious that something like this would have an impact on the surrounding property, such as smell and aesthetics. The local zoning laws would prohibit this from happening. When it comes to 5G towers Local Governments are looking the other way and ignoring the risks to its citizens. It's very telling that not one Insurance Company in the world will provide liability coverage to telecommunications company for the health effects. NOT ONE. Telecommunications companies insulate their risk of lawsuit by using shell companies to own and install the towers for this reason. When local citizens sue for health damages this liability will fall on the cities. Have they made allowances in their budgets to cover the impending financial impact from the lawsuits that are sure to come? Studies show property values decrease 20% with 5G antennas. 5G towers to operate effectively will be placed every 300’ to 500’. There will be thousands of these towers if we allow them to be installed. One in 5 homes will have one in their front yard. 5G frequency power blows out an invisible pollution unseen and not felt until the damage is done. This pollution is shown to penetrate completely thru a baby’s brain, 1.5 inches in an adult causing glioblastoma cancer cells. Boise City and Meridian are allowing these towers to go in without an update to their code. The cities don’t have a clue how to regulate and protect your property rights when it comes to 5G and have admitted so in testimony. Cities employ Building, plumbing, electrical inspectors for the purpose of keeping residents safe. But none of the cities have hired an RF engineer with the knowledge of this frequency. The glassy eyed looked of the Planning and zoning commissions and city council shows their ignorance of protecting its citizens. The local governments have simply thrown up their hands and refused to get educated on the impacts of 5G. FCC leaves 5G, telecommunications services, up to local governments to regulate. That means they can even prevent 5G from coming to the Valley. The FCC only regulates cellphone and text messaging only. Telecommunications companies have convinced local governments that they have no ability to regulate. This is simply not true and anyone can look at the law and see that this is not true. Local Governments have been naive, lazy or ambivalent to the realities of 5G technology. There is no need in this valley to have 5G. It’s a slower technology for the delivery of high speed internet services than cable or DSL. Its radiated power is powerful and damaging and the cities of this valley deserve to keep to this harmful pollution out of our homes. Ironically, the Boise Council passed a resolution to be carbon free by 2035. The city council has made it known that they want to have a green and sustainable city. Yet, these 5G towers are power hogs and their frequencies kill trees and bees!. Life is not sustainable without bees! Local Governments have placed moratoriums on building new homes and relocating homeless shelters. The cities need to put a moratorium on 5G Cell towers until they get up to speed on how this technology should be regulated. The city of Boise and Ada County are doing an ordinance rewrite. It makes sense to stop all locations of Cell towers until the zoning code has caught up to modern day technology. Call or email your local council. Join Act now to protect your family and your property. David DeHaas is President of . He can be reached at 208 378 9911 or email
February 20, 2025
What you should look for in a healthy clean Lover. Is your lover passing you things that you never want to have? Is your lover giving you friends that you don't deserve? Is your lover introducing you to friends you never suspected? What's lurking inside your lover will shock you! You meet the one! You have your first kiss and you decide a long-term relationship is on its way. You find out that you’re mentally and spiritually compatible, and you're physically attracted to their exterior. But have you ever considered the “gifts” that you may receive? I'm not talking about sexually transmitted disease…although that is a topic for conversation another time; I'm talking about the internal landscape of your future lover. Consciously and physically this person may be everything you've ever dreamed of, however there's more lurking underneath then you probably ever thought possible. Candida are sneaky little parasites, our society today has an over abundance of them mostly due to heavy mercury toxicity. From amalgam fillings, to flu shots or vaccines – the exposure to mercury has huge consequences on our internal well being. Our food supply is riddled with sugar and carbohydrates- Candida’s dream buffet of food source, and they thrive inside your lovers gut. There is no joking that candida/yeast put a heavy burden on the body that can result in skin issues from psoriasis, acne, itchy skin to brain fog, and depression. Do you or your lover eat pork, sushi, or undercooked meat? Have you or your lover ever used a public restroom? How many partners has your new dreamboat had and how many have you had? There is a good chance that someone in your “intimate” past had parasites, and through sexual contact transmission is very possible. Just what are WE carrying around, and sharing with someone we “love?” Even though the parasitic load may not yet have an effect on your partner, the new parasites upon you may tip the scales… leading to any number of illnesses, disease and even death. It's led many of us in the colon hydrotherapy business to joke that if we ever had to take another lover- we would first have them thoroughly inspected and make sure they had numerous colonics and be “certified clean” before we got seriously intimate! Tapeworms and liver flukes when they're large in size may or may not be passed through the body but the little ones can be easily be transmitted via bodily fluids. And you thought having a handsome lover with a great job is crucial… think again! That exterior beauty does not cover up what truly lies beneath. If your significant other has body odor then you are making love to a toxic system!!! I remember after I did my ten-day deep tissue cleanse and I noticed right away when I went and played basketball with my buddies my sweat didn't stink! Seriously my sweat did not stink and neither did my gas….it was shocking to say the least! And when it came to making love the intimate sessions were extremely extended and more playful than before if you get my drift! Body odor that was “normal” was now nonexistent which was shocking in itself! More importantly; when you rid the toxins out of your body not only does your body chemistry change, your blood chemistry changes and the nutrition that you begin to take starts to be more effective…giving you more energy, more clarity, and more nourishment. Immediate things that you can do to check out your lover before you proceed into an unhealthy future. 1. Do they have body odor? 2. Do they have bad breath? 3. Are their eyes clear? 4. Do they have dark circles underneath their eyes? 5. Have them stick out their tongue-is there a coating on their tongue? If so, stay away we have heavy Candida and even one lip lock is putting you at risk. Ask him how many bowel movements they have, if they have less than one per day they are severely toxic! That built up putrefied crap that's in their body is only helping parasites destroy their internal eco-system. So now that you know the secrets of keeping yourself safe and healthy, make sure you get your significant other clean right away! Colon Hydrotherapy can help “clean up” your lover.
February 20, 2025
Where is our joy located? It’s an odd question. Perhaps you think joy is in your heart, or maybe you experience joy as a state of mind.  It turns out, according to scientists, joy originates in the limbic system of the brain—the part of the brain that controls emotion, behavior, and long-term memory. Unlike happiness, which is a cognitive experience based in the brain’s neocortex, joy is an emotion we feel without conscious thought. We feel joy without thinking about it, and we can train our brains to feel it often. EMOTIONS ARE HABITUAL Just like any repetitive action, our emotional state becomes a habit. For most of my life, my emotional habit was some version of fear. From the time I was a small child, I was a perpetual worrier. I have a vivid memory of being 4 years old in a restaurant with my mom and her then-boyfriend, who happened to be a professional clown. The clown was entertain-ing, the meal was my favorite, but I couldn’t stop worrying about everything. “Just relax, Kaia!” my mom implored me. “I’m trying as hard as I can!” I wailed. This is the story of my life. Although my outside often looked like the Garden of Eden, my inside often felt like Armageddon. YOUR BRAIN ON FEAR Our amygdala, the fear center in our brains, responds to perceived stress with the primal reactions of fight, flight, and freeze. When the amygdala is active, to be sure we have all the brain power we need to carry out this instinctual response, it limits activity in the prefrontal cortex, which happens to be where logical thought, clear decisions, and rational choices are generated. We simply can’t do our best thinking and best problem solving when we’re in a state of fear. Fear also turns on the sympathetic nervous system—the body’s project manager for the fight-or-flight response—which releases hormones, such as adrenaline, noradrenaline, and cortisol, to pump us up for battle. The sympathetic nervous system accelerates our heart rate, increases blood pressure, slows digestion, constricts blood vessels, dilates the pupils, and can cause tunnel vision, shaking, and a number of other physical symptoms. Our bodies are incredible mechanisms with systems like this in place to help us stay safe, which is wonderful when we’re in danger. But here’s the catch: We can’t sustain high levels of fear for too long before our adrenal glands become depleted, our cells deteriorate from an overabundance of cortisol, and we become exhausted and sick. THE JOY PLAN I finally hit rock bottom shortly before my 40th birthday. I’d been making plans since I could talk, but I found myself examining what the point of all my planning really was. Ultimately, I simply wanted joy and, despite appearances, I rarely felt it. I knew I needed to break free from the grip of fear which had held me most of my life. So I made my ultimate plan: The Joy Plan, dedicating 30 days to the singular task of rewiring my brain to generate joy—in the hope that one month would change my entire life. Although I’d read books and blogs for years that told me to “relax,” “think positive,” “stay calm,” “don’t worry, be happy,” I still had no idea how to actually do that. So when I took the Joy Plan on as a full-fl edged science experiment, I became determined to utilize the neurobiology behind the experience of joy to my advantage. What I found, to my delight, was that 30 days is long enough to form new habits, and the most important new habits boiled down to five easy daily actions. You don’t even need to set aside a whole month to give them a try. Like healthy eating, joy is a habit we must practice regularly in order to reap the bene-fits. By intentionally practicing thinking new thoughts, speaking new words, and taking new actions, I changed my experience of life. I am not happy all the time, but that’s not the point. I’ve finally figured out how to live in joy. Five Daily Actions to Boost Your Joy 1. FOCUS ON GRATITUDE: The fastest way to generate joy is to focus on things you appreciate. Every day, make a list, even if it’s in your head, of things for which you’re grateful. Feelings of gratitude release dopamine, a feel-good neurotransmitter in the brain. When you bathe your brain in this chemical experience, you’ll predispose yourself for more. 2. PRACTICE MINDFULNESS: Mindfulness is simply the act of bringing your awareness to the present moment. Deep breaths calm the brain’s amygdala and train your brain and body to remain calm in the midst of swirling thoughts and emotions. With even a short daily practice, mindfulness can alter your brain in profound ways. 3. BOOST HAPPY HORMONES: Four main neurochemicals generated in the brain are highly influential to the sensations we’ve come to associate with joy: endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin. The good news is these neurochemicals are easy to influence through daily actions, such as exercise, spending time outdoors, smiling more often, and giving hugs. 4. CHOOSE OPTIMISM: Thanks to the process of neuroplasticity, our brains develop neural pathways like well-worn highways they travel on regularly because they’re familiar. By choosing positive thoughts, words and actions at every opportunity—focusing on solutions rather than problems—you’re training your brain to form neural pathways for optimism, which is associated with greater joy. 5. GIVE TO OTHERS: Giving is an excellent way to generate joy. Acts of kindness release dopamine, for both the giver and the receiver. You can receive these feel-good benefits from giving something as small as a smile or a compliment, or as large as you can imagine. Article By Kaia Roman follow her@ or grab her new book at Amazon: The Joy Plan
February 7, 2025
That hazy feeling in your head that makes it hard for you to do what you want to do? It's just the way things are these days. Work is hard because you forget little things, like where your car keys are, and question why you walked into a room. You missed the deadlines for getting orders out on time and correctly, and you forgot to call that client back. Some of you might not even be aware that your memory has been hacked. Memory loss can happen slowly, so you might not realize how bad it is. Ask the people around you. They might feel bad telling you how bad your memory is. Over the years, many things have made your brain fog worse. It's bad to cook with Teflon pans, drink from aluminum cans, eat foods that contain MSG or GMOs that contain Monsanto's glyphosate, ll up your gas tank and get gas on your hands, use over-the-counter medicines, drugs, alcohol, dryer sheets, toxic soaps, electromagnetic fields from Wi-Fi, your cell phone, and cell towers, and the list goes on and on. When babies are born, their livers already have 250 chemicals in them. Over time, your toxic bucket fills up and overflows, which can lead to a wide range of health problems, such as brain fog. Your doctor starts to chase your symptoms by giving you hormone and thyroid tests, as well as any other test they can think of, in order to find a reason to give you painkillers. You will never get your health back by chasing your symptoms. You can get your mind back. The first thing that needs to be done is to clean out and heal the gut, especially the transverse colon. It's possible that old, rotting poop has been blocking your neurons, which are like little cell phones that keep nerves in your brain from ring. There are a lot of direct connections between the transverse colon and the brain. In fact, there are more nerve cells in the gut than in the whole spine! How the gut lives is how you live. Colon hydrotherapy sessions—at least 10 in a row—will help clear up your brain fog. This helps to restore the microbiome, which is made up of 5 pounds of amazing bugs that talk to each other and keep your immune system healthy. There will soon be no stopping your brain. Yes, most of you reading this are having trouble going to the bathroom, and many of you don't even know it. The best way to go to the bathroom and keep your body and brain healthy is to have regular bowel movements (think "eat, then poop"). They should have the right shape and consistency. At the same time, clean out your lymphatic system, liver, and tissues, and get rid of those parasites that are living there for free. Visit to learn more about how the body heals itself and how you can heal naturally.
December 12, 2024
Baby, it's cold out there! When your body gets cold, your immune system takes a dive. That is the number one reason there is a "season" for the flu. It's elementary; a 1-degree drop in body temperature drops your immune system enzymes by 40%. Think of these little enzymes as bodyguards waiting to kill off any invaders. If they are cold by just 1 degree, your enzymes basically fall asleep. But a 1 degree increase in body temperature increases enzyme function (i.e., guards at the gate awake) by 50%! This is huge! But what if you're always cold? Cold hands and cold feet are a circulation issue and a sign that you have a problem. In studies with far infrared therapy, it was found that using far infrared coupled with amthyst stone enabled the body to stay warm on its own. We use Far Infrared Biomats with Amethyst and Far Infrared Sauna Therapy. Health Benefits of the Biomat: • Far-infrared light waves kill cancer and viral cells. • Increases oxygen in the blood • Decreases inflammation • Opens up cell wall channels to aid in detoxification • Rebuilds blood • It resets your metabolism. • Increases blood circulation The biomat relaxes, helps push out toxins, and boosts immunity. Learn more at The sauna will get you sweating quickly, therefore opening up one of the four detoxification pathways: the skin. A far-infrared sauna is superior to a steam or hot sauna because you get 10 fold more toxins in your sweat than from a hot or steam sauna, yet the temperature is 40–80 degrees lower! This makes a far-infrared sauna easier to sit in and relax while you soak up the heat. The Biomat has the advantage of penetrating 6 inches into the body, while the far-infrared sauna rays penetrate 2 inches. Each has its place and benefits. Come, try them out. In the month of December, buy a package of four sessions for $100. A savings of $100!
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