Cell towers, Smart phones, wifi, bluetooth is everywhere. There are over 18,000 published studies that prove causes of harm by our devices. We can't get away from them entirely but we can mitigate damage. We at Living Waters Wellness Center have been using these devices personally for 13 years and love the technology. To purchase go to our store located here.
Here are some quick GIA tips on how to practice wellness in the wireless age:
How does the technology work?
At GIA, we understand and respect science.
We know that trying to block or shield radiation from wireless communication devices such as cell phones, cordless phones, wi-fi routers, bluetooth devices, etc. is not the answer.
Here is why: anything trying to block or shield an information-carrying radio wave (ICRW), would also interfere with the very signal emitted by the device. And interference could mean dropped calls, text messages not going through, an internet connection not working, etc.
Worse yet, anything interfering with the signal would make a device emit even more radiation. Why? Because it is trying even harder to look for a strong signal.
That is precisely why GIA’s patented and proprietary technologies focus on changing the way the body responds to electromagnetic radiation (EMR).
Here’s a simple analogy: Sunscreen doesn’t make the sun go away, but it changes the way the body responds to it.
Same concept with GIA’s technologies: They don’t make EMR disappear (if they did, wireless devices would become useless). Instead, they measurably change the body’s response to EMR.
And that is a (patented) game-changer.
What MRET is: MRET is Gia Wellness's patented noise pfield nano-technology, which has been substantiated in Medical Center, Universities and Laboratories across the world.
Powered by hi-tech polymer the particles within the MRET compound - once stimulated by EMF/EMR - oscillate, emitting a low frequency noise-field that superimposes itself over the harmful high-frequency microwave radiation. Studies have shown that this process creates an incoherent bio-friendly wave, thereby dramatically reducing the otherwise inappropriately triggered protective responses by the body's key systems.
Powered by hi-tech polymer the particles within the MRET compound - once stimulated by EMF/EMR - oscillate, emitting a low frequency noise-field that superimposes itself over the harmful high-frequency microwave radiation. Studies have shown that this process creates an incoherent bio-friendly wave, thereby dramatically reducing the otherwise inappropriately triggered protective responses by the body's key systems.
WHAT ERT is: Ert is GIA's propreietary subtle energy technology. It is substantiated by Independent Researchers, Peer=reviewed studies, etc. ERT powers GIA's various subtle energy carriers in the categories of Personal Environment Products, and Body Worn Products,
How ERT works: While the presence of EMF/EMR disrupts communication across a person's biofield ERT-charged carriers emit a subtle energy field, restoring vital communication across the biofield by assisting the transmission of signals that improve resistance to stressors and support key energetic functions in the body.
How MRET and ERT work together: GIA's patented MRET works hand-in-hand with GIA's proprietary ERT, enabling a unique, dual-action effect for the product user. While MRET works specifically on greatly reducing the impact of electropollution on the body. ERT is designed substantially improve the body's ability to compensate for damage caused by external stressor such as electropollution.
Proprietary Technologies, U.S. Patent Protection
Both GIA's MRET and ERT are proprietary technologies. Also, the MRET polymer was granted the US patent No. 6369399 in April 2002 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office The patent was issued for "Electromagnetic Radiation Material and Device"
MRET and ERT Research & Validation
GIA's MRET and /or ERT Research and Validation were performed at the following institutions:
GIA's MRET and /or ERT were feature in the following Scientific Publications and Conferences:
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DISCLAIMER: The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for any medical or psychological condition, nor to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Therefore, this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. Living Waters Wellness encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your judgment and research in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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