Treatment Types

Colonics Beds and How They Work

The Average Person reading this has 12-15 lbs of old fecal matter in their gut!

Every Organ in your body, heart, lungs, liver, thyroid, brain, kidney, eyes, back, etc,  has a nerve that connects that organ to the colon or small intestine.

You have more neurons in your gut than your spinal column!!!

Think of neurons as little cell phones that fire and wire the nerves that go to the other organs.

If those neurons are impacted with old Poop then you will not have clear communication between the organs. This may result in Dis-ease in the body. 

A woman is laying on a bed with a red blanket in a room.

If you have a impacted bowel or just a lot of old fecal matter, rotting and putrefying in your gut this will impact how the other organs function.


Colon Hydrotherapy uses specific equipment to introduce water into the large intestine in order to release waste.

There are two kinds of colonic systems that can be used to do this. One is the “open” system and the other is the “closed” system.

At Living Waters Wellness Center, we use the Open System to clean out the colon. We use top of the line Libbe Colonic beds that are FDA approved and used around the world.

The water is filtered using UV light and a special filtration system. The water temperature is controlled with a temperature gauge but can be changed during the colonic session by the client very easily.

You are covered with a blanket so your privacy is maintained.

So lay back, relax, listen to some music and let the Colon Hydrotherapy system give you a refreshing shower on the inside.

Libbe Colonics Bed

In our open system, there is a “bed” with pads and cushioning on which the client lies down. The feet rest hip width apart in front of the client. In this comfortable position the client can easily insert the small pencil sized tube into their rectum. (The Living Waters staff is also available to assist in this if needed or requested.) The small tube rests comfortably in the anus the entire session and is unnoticeable even as waste passes through the tube and exits the body.

There is no need for the client to push, as the water gently flows in and out and brings with it the extra waste and debris that has collected in the colon.

The waste then flows down a hole in the colonic bed and through a clear tube in which the client may view. When doing a liver, gallbladder, and intestinal parasite cleanse, or just clearing the colon of chronic blockage, this helps the client to recognize exactly what they are detoxing their body of.

The Libbe System is designed so that odors and all wastes are discarded appropriately and efficiently. The treatment lasts about 40 minutes to an hour, depending on the clients needs. The water pressure and temperature of the water may be changed by the client at any time during the colonic session.

​Most people choose this form of colon hydrotherapy as it is the most comfortable way to rid the colon of waste.
Many clients also choose this form as they often choose to administer the colonic themselves, in privacy.

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​ONDAMED® - A Healing Innovation

ONDAMED® is an integrated diagnostic/therapeutic system, combining Pulsing Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy and biofeedback. Extensive research published in peer-reviewed literature has shown that both PEMF and biofeedback are safe and effective for a wide range of conditions

How does it work?

PEMF induces tiny microcurrents into tissues, and a form of biofeedback known as the vascular autonomic signal (VAS). These microcurrents are detected with the radial arterial pulse, and are used to select the best frequencies and anatomical locations for stimulation.

Want to read more? Click below to get more in-depth of ONDAMED and how it works.

A kondamed device with a picture of a heartbeat next to it

This is FASCINATING...I'd like to learn more!

T-Zone Vibration Machine

Vibration Therapy

  • Vibration Training and Low Back Pain​
  • Natural Treatment for Arthritis.
  • Whole-body vibration effect on Fibromyalgia pain.

You’ve probably seen them or possibly used one. I’m talking about those vibrating platform devices used in fitness centers, athletic training rooms, and physical therapy offices. The rationale behind these devices is to perform mild exercises while the device vibrates at various set levels of oscillating intensity.


The manufactured vibration stimulates the receptors in the muscles (muscle spindles) thus causing them to work harder. Coupled with the performance of basic movements such as pelvic tucks, squats, abdominal contractions etc, more muscle fibers are recruited and fatigued. Therefore, more muscle fibers are trained.


Before moving forward, many of the references you will come across refer to this endeavor as "whole-body vibration."

Want to read more? Click below to get more in-depth information of Vibration Therapy:

A woman is standing on a machine with a play button in the corner.

Bio-Mat Comprehensive Therapy

Calvin and Jeanna Kim, founders of  RichWay  International began their careers as intermediaries  in  the  commodity  market,  where  they oversaw  vast  worldwide  transactions. During the Gulf War period they experienced economic  disaster  to  their  industry,  ultimately  forcing them to go in a different direction. They shifted their focus, going to work as wholesalers for the commodities jewelry department of the company they had been working for.

​It was at this time that they saw an opportunity to combine land ownership with jewelry production and purchased a jade mine.

High Quality Infrared Rays - Super Fiber and Natural Amethyst.

  1. Surface material: Silicon urethane with cotton
  2. Amethyst (with Tourmaline): Transfers to natural far infrared rays
  3. Top waterproof layer
  4. Hyron cotton layer for thermal insulation
  5. Second waterproof layer
  6. negative ion generator
  7. Super fiber layer for far infrared rays
  8. First fiberglass layer (For interception of harmful EMF waves)
  9. Carbon layer for amplifying far infrared rays
  10. First Urethane layer for protection and reflection
  11. Solid square cotton padding layer
  12. Second fiber glass layer (Prevents over heating and harmful EMF waves)
  13. EMF protected heating plate with Thermostats and Bi-metals
  14. Second Urethane layer for protection and reflection
  15. Concentrated ceramic layer for reflection of far infrared rays
  16. Hyron silk cotton padding layer for thermal insulation
  17. Bottom material: High quality cotton with brass pattern

Want to read more? Click below to get more in-depth information of the Bio-Mat:

A stack of different colored sheets of fabric on a blue background.

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Far Infra-Red Sauna

A wooden sauna with the doors open and a clock on top

​As a leader in health and wellness, our infrared therapy benefits are backed by extensive research in the industry. 

Scientific Research provides more understanding ​of the ​benefits of Infrared saunas.

Infrared sauna in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis (2009).  In all patients, a clinically relevant improvement was seen during the IR sauna treatment with pain and stiffness decreasing 5 to 24 points. Pain reduced approximately 40% and 60% and stiffness approximately 50% and 60% for patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis, respectively. All patients felt well during and after IR treatment, and 30 min after the end of treatment, 88.2% of patients felt “comfortable” or “very comfortable”. The results of this study show that the use of IR sauna as treatment is feasible and well tolerated in patients with inflammatory arthritis.

Repeated thermal therapy diminishes appetite loss and subjective complaints in mildly depressed patients (2004) ​In mildly depressed patients, somatic and mental com- plaints decreased and a relaxation effect was obtained after repeated thermal therapy. Furthermore, we found that feeling of hunger occurred and the plasma ghrelin concentrations and daily caloric intake increased after repeated thermal therapy.

Clinical cardiology: review | beneficial effects of sauna bathing for heart failure patients (2007) Repeated sauna therapy (60°C for 15 min) improved hemo- dynamic parameters, clinical symptoms, cardiac function and vascular endothelial function in patients with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) […] Sauna therapy improved the cardiac index, mean pulmonary wedge pressure, systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance, and cardiac function. Sauna treatment is considered safe for CHF patients with NYHA classes I, II and III. It seems that sauna treatment may help improve clinical symptoms and hemodynamic parameters secondary to an improvement in the endothelial func- tion of patients with CHF whose endothelial function is impaired.

Want to read more? Click below to get more in-depth information on the Far Infra-red Sauna:

This Sauna sounds AMAZING. Please send me more information!

Harmonic Resonance Therapy

Crystal singing bowls emit an expansive sound that is healing for the body’s deeper tissues. Evocative of ancient temples, Harmonic Resonance Therapy exudes a healing matrix wherever they’re sounded. Through varying frequencies, sound and vibration, your natural energy will be assisted in grounding and re-balancing for optimal health.

We offer Harmonic Resonance Therapy to every client going through our 10 Day Cleanse.

Want to read more? Click below to get more in-depth information of Harmonic Resonance Therapy:

A group of crystal singing bowls are lit up in a dark room.


M-F: 9am - 5pm

Sat/Sun: Closed




Join our 10-Day Deep Tissue Cleanse & Healing Retreat and change your life for the better. 

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