Imagine a small, rural village…everyone in the village draws their water from a common well. When the water in this well becomes contaminated, everyone in the village is affected!
Pretty logical right? In this case, the health of the village is simple “Cause & Effect!”
It’s not so easy to imagine the same scenario in our bodies.
Here’s how it works:
Just as water is drawn from a well and taken to each home, family and person in the village, all of our nutrition goes through our mouth to our stomach and digestive system.
Our digestive system has the job of disseminating nutrition to our EVERYTHING - our bloodstream, lymph system, organs, bones and muscles.
The colon is a key component of this system! The outside of the colon is lined with blood vessels and lymph glands that gather nourishment absorbed through the walls of the colon and distribute that nourishment to our vital organs.
The food we eat fuels our body systems just like the well water hydrates the population of the village.
In order for nutrition to pass through the walls of the colon and reach the blood and lymph system, the inner lining of the colon must be clean.
Imagine a water pipe that has been in the ground for some time.
As water is sent through the pipe, small impurities begin to adhere to the inside of the pipe wall.
As time goes on, more and more buildup occurs until the pipe is almost totally blocked.
The same occurs in your intestinal tract. Undigested food adheres to the inner wall and causes the tract to become smaller and smaller until only a small amount of food is allowed to pass through.
Look at the picture above, imagine the pipe as your intestinal tract.
The blood vessels are attached to the outside of the intestine, waiting like a baby bird with its mouth open. Nourishment passes through the wall of the intestine and provides nutrients the body needs.
If your colon looks like that pipe above, how much nutrition is being passed into the bloodstream? Very little, right?
Here’s something you probably don’t realize…
As food builds up on the inner wall of your intestinal tract, it spoils and becomes toxic. That toxic buildup is BETWEEN the nutrients and the blood vessels waiting to take nutrients to your vital organs!
So, what do you think happens next?
Yep, you guessed it, the sludge builds up and pushes through the porous walls and enters the bloodstream. Those toxins are delivered to hungry cells and organs in your body as food! Having the same impact as poisoning the well in the village!
As your organs are starving and being poisoned, your body begins to shut down. Now you know why you’re so tired and in pain!
Are you ready to clean out your pipes and start nourishing your body again?
Take a look back at the picture of the intestinal track. Notice all the curves? Each curve is a potential blockage point. Now, imagine you start trying to clean out that pipe from the top with the newest “Detox drink.”
As the impacted matter is broken up and starts to move through the lower, clogged portion, the result would be more clogs!
But now, consider breaking up that impacted matter from the bottom end of the pipe in a way that allows it to be expelled and washed away in the process.
This is Colon Hydrotherapy!
The process:
Not ALL Colon Hydrotherapy systems are the same.
We recommend an open colonic system. See how a Colonic is done by clicking here.
An Open System is temperature-controlled and uses filtered water to gently flow into the colon, without pressure, through a small tube (about the size of a pencil) in the rectum.
YOU control the flow of the water and determine how slowly or quickly it flows. You release the water when it feels comfortable to do so.
All this is done while lying in a comfortable position in a private room. You’re completely covered and the room temperature is adjusted for your comfort. A therapist is at your call to help or answer any questions as needed.
Your first step is easy! Call 208-378-9911 and schedule a consult and personal tour.
Soon you’ll simply lie back, relax, and let it all go…
Thirty years ago, Leonard Smith, MD, of Gainsville, Florida graduated from medical school and eventually became board certified in general surgery by the American College of Surgery. For more than twenty-five years Dr. Smith has practiced as a specialist in gastrointestinal surgery.
He has dealt with all types of colon difficulties, including operations for overcoming colon cancer, colon diverticulitis, appendicitis, hemorrhoids, and numbers of other internal organ health problems.
“I am very well acquainted with the colon’s functions, and my true belief is that colon hydrotherapy is the perfect cleansing medium for preparing the patient for colonoscopy.
It’s a much better way of getting the human colon ready for an operation than having a patient swallow a gallon of that usual pre-surgery solutions known as ‘Colon-Go-Lytely.’ Instead, colon hydrotherapy has the patient avoid this solution’s noxious side effects of vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and other troubles,” Dr. Smith says.
“Moreover, seriously ill patients tend to be chronically constipated which results in generalized toxemia. It turns out that colon hydrotherapy is the gentlest and most effective treatment to take care of a sick person’s constipation problem. My recommendation for cancer patients is that they should undergo frequent colon hydrotherapy procedures to make sure a colon’s toxic burden is being kept at a minimum while their bodies are trying to heal,”
“While not a substitute for eating a high fiber diet, those cancer patients who take colon hydrotherapy, often experience the elimination of their aches and pains, improvement of appetite, and they tolerate a tough healing process better.”
“I also believe that normally healthy people will find it valuable to take colon hydrotherapy every couple of months in order to experience how well one feels when the colon is truly empty. It’s a fact that most people fail to fully evacuate the colon, something they don’t realize. People undergoing colon hydrotherapy on a prevention basis, become quite surprised at how much waste is removed by the procedure,” Dr. Smith says.
“Without any reservation, I declare that my wish is to see it become an established procedure for many kinds of gastrointestinal problems. If medical centers, hospitals, and clinics installed colon hydrotherapy departments, they would find such departments just as efficacious for patients as their present treatment areas which are devoted to physiotherapy,” states Leonard Smith, MD
Located in Millburn, New Jersey as a primary care physician for nearly twenty-six years, Sharda Sharma, MD, dispenses medical care of a multi-disciplinary nature to her patients. Dr. Sharma employs colon hydrotherapy, chelation therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, Reiki manipulative therapy, and much more. She treats the body as a whole (holistically).
“I have trained and certified colon hydro therapists working as part of my staff. Under my supervision for the past year-and-a-half they have been rendering care for constipation, abdominal cramps, allergies, and a variety of other conditions, including ten patients with hepatitis C. These hepatitis patients respond to colon hydrotherapy and do well,” assures Dr. Sharma. “For instance, Mrs. Felicia, a forty-two-year-old high school teacher, had suffered with constipation-no bowel movements for six days at a stretch. She was bloated, fatigued, lethargic, headachy, and crampy. My treatment choice for her was enzyme supplements and colon hydrotherapy twice weekly for thirteen weeks. These treatments solved the constipation problem for Mrs. Felicia. She goes to the toilet as desired without having to sit there for long periods waiting, reading, meditating, or undergoing other mental or physical diversions.
“Colon hydrotherapy is excellent as a treatment for the yeast syndrome candidiasis. A very anxious fifty-year-old female, Mrs. Sara Audrey, consulted me because she was running to the toilet every two hours with either diarrhea or with attempting to find comfort form constipation. It turns out that she had irritable bowel syndrome complicated by candidiasis. During the administration of colon hydrotherapy, I observed that Mrs. Audrey was loaded with Candida albicans. I recognized the white yeast organisms floating through the transparent tube of my colon flushing device,” says Dr. Sharma. “But the patient is now in fine shape-much relieved. She had good bowel movements twice daily with no gas. This is typical of almost all patients undergoing colon hydrotherapy.
“I have found over the years that cancer patients who are not doing well usually are toxic and not being cleansed. They certainly are in need of colon hydrotherapy,” advises oncologist and homeopath Douglas Brodie, MD, of Reno, Nevada.
Dr. Brodie has developed methods for treating cancer and other degenerative diseases aimed at strengthening the immune system. He emphasizes natural and humane approaches to these conditions with colon hydrotherapy being among them.
“I do recommend that most of my cancer patients take colon hydrotherapy or ‘colonic irrigations’ because they often improve by having such treatment.
Liver cancer in particular shows benefit from colon hydrotherapy, but any internal tumor shows effectual change too,” Dr. Brodie says. “It’s better than an enema, which is merely a lower bowel cleanse, as opposed to a colonic which is a thorough cleanse of the entire bowel. It’s similar to comparing the diagnostic efficacy of a sigmoidoscopy of the short end of the bowel to a colonoscopy which takes in the whole bowel. An enema only goes so far.
Colon hydrotherapy is the best cleansing and detoxifier for the gastrointestinal tract that anybody would want. I do promote its use.”
According to Pamela Whitney, ND baked lasagna may be used as a metaphor for colon cleansing. Dr. Whitney, educational director for the New England Health Institute, is a naturopathic physician who practices her profession in two locations, Braintree, Massachusetts and Stowe, Vermont. Here is how she describes the physical action of colon hydrotherapy:
“If ever you’ve baked a lasagna and then attempted to sanitize the messy, left-over lasagna pan, you know the difficulty with getting it clean. For sponging such a food-caked pan it’s usual for cooks to soak the pan overnight. Then they find that swabbing it the next day is easy. Colon hydrotherapy accomplishes the same ease of cleansing on the inside of one’s bowel. Using hydrotherapy, the colon’s walls constantly get flushed with clear fluid, which serves to remove mucous plus some of their longstanding, caked-on fecal matter which contains hidden bacteria, parasites, Candida albicans-filled pockets, and other such pathological materials.”
From its home office located in San Antonio, Texas, literature furnished by the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy or I-ACT defines colon hydrotherapy as a safe, effective method of removing waste from the large intestine without the use of drugs. By introducing pure, filtered and temperature-regulated water into the colon, the human waste is softened and loosened, resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis. This flushing process usually is repeated a few times during a therapeutic session.
Colon hydrotherapy is best used in combination with adequate nutrient and fluid intake as well as exercise. The modern sophisticated technology applied today, manufactured through compliance with strict FDA guidelines, promotes both safety and sanitation of the procedure.
Dr. Pamela Whitney advises that her healing program for almost any condition frequently involves prescribing colon hydrotherapy. “I almost always refer my patient to undertake colon cleansing as the first part of my treatment. I do this for purposes of detoxification, since most people possess toxic bowels which may result in either constipation or diarrhea – both coming from the same sources of toxicity,” she says. “The patients’ toxins tend to kick back to their blood streams to perpetuate numerous pathologies such as candidiasis, allergies, chronic fatigue, and other symptoms coming from a recirculation of accumulated physiological poisons.
“I use the services of at least three skilled colon hydro therapists who practice near my two offices. I don’t know of any patient receiving colon hydrotherapy who has not benefited from it. Certainly the treatment will get a sluggish bowel refunctioning again. In my judgment, the action of just one colon hydrotherapy is an experience equivalent to someone undergoing twenty coffee enemas,” says Dr. Whitney. “What we eat, the processed foods such as breads, pastas, sugars, refined deserts hit the gastrointestinal tracts like glue which becomes nearly indigestible. A prime source of allergies to wheat and other flour products is this flour made into a kind of mucilage by being mixed with saliva. This glue-like substance sticks on the walls of one’s GI tract to slow down the individual’s metabolic rate. Thereafter, constipation with inflammation can develop, but colon hydrotherapy solves such a problem.”
As is obvious, Dr. Pamela Whiney prescribes colon hydrotherapy as a standard part of her treatment.
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