Success Stories

Hear what a few of our clients have to say about their health issues before and after visiting Living Waters Wellness Center:

Rebecca's Amazing Healing after 5 days from Shingles and Bell's Palsy

Mindy Block Testimonial

With Captions

Meghan - Constipation+Fatigue+

Depression+Brain Fog ​

HUGE TapeWorm Parasites in Body Removed w Deep Tissue & Liver Cleanse to Detox & Heal Naturally

16 Years of Hives Healed Naturally w Treatment of Whole Body Detox Through Colon Hydrotherapy

Self Heal Degenerating Bone Disease Natural Treatment & Improve Mobility w. Colon Hydrotherapy

Massive Parasite in Body Extraction Through Colon Hydrotherapy to

Heal & Detox Naturally

Natural Crohns & Lyme Disease Treatment w. Whole Body Detox Through

Colon Hydrotherapy

Migraine Relief, Bloating Reduction, Parasite Cleanse & Increase Energy w. Colonics & Liver Cleanse



Parasite Cleanse 9'-12' parasites with 10 day deep tissue colon detox and cleanse

Healing from Incurable Fibroses Lung Disease with Colon Hydrotherapy

Bells Palsy and Shingles Healing

Ann Nelson's testimonial of 10 day cleanse

Marci Westover's testimonial

Cristina's testimonial

Maureen Otoole's testimonial

Jim Hunt's testimonial video

Jeremy Payne

Michael Testimonial (Closed Captioned)

Elaina West - Healing Emotionally

Larry Hays Testimonial

Testimonial with Tiffany

Testimonial with Joyce

Jennifer Huda - Emotional release with 10

Cracked Feet

How Often Do You Poop?

Parasites &


Healing Crushed Bones

Broken Bones

Colon Hydrotherapy Review -How I reversed my symptoms in 10 days

Healing Allergies, Headaches & Skin with Colon Hydrotherapy

Healing Emotional Energy

Trapped Emotion

COLON CLEANSING for Lung Troubles & Aging

Natural Colon Cleanse: Why I Traveled from CA to Boise, ID to Get Well

How Colonics Helped

My Arthritis

Heal Cancer Naturally With Colon Hydrotherapy

OLON CLEANSE: Why I Traveled Across the Country to Cleanse at Living Waters

IBS and Colon Hydrotherapy How Colonics Helped Me

How To Self Heal Allergies & Sinus Problems Naturally With Colonics

Back Pain, Neck Pain Natural treatment and Relief

Colon Hydrotherapy Cleansing Changed My Life

Naturally Heal Severe

Stomach Pain

Natural Liver Cleanse & Detox With Colon Hydrotherapy

Are Vitamins Good For You? with Colon Hydrotherapy

Heal Fatty Liver With Colon


How To Help Joint Pain

In 5 Minutes

Parasites! How To Rid Your Body

Of Parasites

Financing - How She Was Able To Afford The 10 Day Cleanse

Joint Pain, Asthma & Brain Fog Healed Natually

Healing From


Allergies!! Naturally Healed!! Heal allergies, gas and bloating NATURALLY!

Natural Remedy For Spider & Bug Bites

Dizziness and Pain GONE

How To Heal Cancer Naturally

Healing Inflammation

and Pai


to ABLE!

JOINT INJURIES!?! Find Out How Jason Helped His!

Natural Healing Cancer with Colonics: Rob's Full Story

Lyme Disease & Chronic Inflammation Treatment Results

Lyme Disease Results 2 Months After 10-Day Deep Tissue Cleanse

Natural Allergy Relief & Bloating and Gas Relief with a Cleans

Natural Cancer Remedies

with Cleansing

Preventing Memory Loss, Aging, and Fatigue With a Colon Cleanse

Vertigo, Severe Swelling and Pain, Bloating, & Body Toxicity Healing After

Lyme Disease Results 2 Months After 10-Day Deep Tissue Cleanse


Naturally Heal Digestive Issues & Chronic Belching with Colonic

Natural Remedies for

Kidney Disease

Naturally Heal Insomnia, Brain Fog, and Low Energy with Colonics

Feeling Tired and Drained? Increase Your Energy and Heal with Colon Hydrotherapy

Epoch Sole Solutions: Fix Those Dry Cracked Feet

Summer Feet: Heal Dry Cracked Feet with Epoch Sole Solution

Lyme Disease Treatment & Chronic Inflammation and Fatigue Healing with Colon Hydrotherapy

Living Waters Tour holistic wellness retreat and 10 Day Detox Cleanse with Colon Hydrotherapy

Living Waters Clients Share Their Miracles: Healing Mind Body & Spirit Through Colon Hydrotherapy

Self Healing Anxiety Depression & The Power of Positive Thinking Through Colonics & Liver Cleansing

Colonics to Cleanse Cellular Level Emotions, Spiritually &

Detoxify Body Naturally

Colonics TV E3: Colonics

For Recovery

From Acute Illness

Colonics TV E1: Experts Weigh in On Colon Hydrotherapy Natural Detoxifying Benefits & Results

Colonics TV E2: Are Poor Food Choices an Indication for Colonics to Detox by Naturally?

How Emotional Stress Relates to Inflammation & Disease Diagnoses & How to Naturally Heal

Law of Attraction Success After Deep Tissue Cleansing Detox Through Colon Hydrotherapy

The Amazing Healing

Properties of

the Far Infrared Biomat

Colonic Client Recalls Better Experience & Deeper Detox Cleanse w. Open Vs Closed System

Natural Allergy Remedy: Self Healing the Gut & Detoxing Inside Out w. Colon Hydrotherapy

10 Day Colonic Detox Cleanse to HUGELY Increase Mobility Flexibility & End Joint Pain Naturally

Easy, Fun & Refreshing

1st Time Colonic Experience

w. Biomat & TZone

1st Time Open Colonic Bed Client Explains Fears & How She Triumphed

After Cleansing!

Spiritual Connection Gained Through Self Healing w. 10 Day Colonics Deep Tissue Detox Cleanse

Colonic Cleansing Detox For Weight Loss & Knee Joint Pain Natural

Surgery Alternative

Natural Cancer Treatment - Self Heal Breast Cancer Naturally 10 Day Detox Colonics Cleanse

10 Day Colonics Detox Cleanse Naturally Self Healing Dark CIrcles Under Eyes Better Vision Naturally

10 Day Colon Hydrotherapy Detox Cleanse Natural Heal Cold Home

Remedy Treatment

10 Day Colonics Cleanse Detox Candida Yeast Results Clear Skin Strong Nails Healthy Hair NATURALL

Natural Psoriasis Treatment

to Self Heal From

Inside Out with Colon Hydrotherapy

Felt Best in 10 Years After Colonic Detox Cleansing to Regain Energy Increase Appetite All Naturally

15 Yrs Damaged Facial Nerves Hearing / Vision Loss Self Healed Naturally Through Colonics Cleansing

20 Lbs Lost During

10 Day Deep Tissue Colonics

Cleanse & Whole Body Detox

Drs Said Incurable Lung Disease How Colonic Detox Cleansing Naturally Healed & Lifted Spiritually

9 - 12 Foot Long Parasites in Body Removed w Deep Tissue & Liver Cleanse to Detox & Heal Naturall

Constipation Home Remedies Relief & Allergy Sinus Relief w Detox w Colonics Deep Tissue Cleanse

Bile Duct Cancer Liver Cancer Natural Treatment Colonics Detox Cleanse Chemo Radiation Alternative

Lifetime Colonic Client Discusses Results w Living Waters Custom Colon Hydrotherapy Cleanse Program

15 Years Chronic Stomach Pain IBS Natural Relief Treatment w Colon Hydrotherapy Detox Cleansing

Deep Tissue Colonic Cleanse Detox 13 Lbs Weight Loss Vibration Change Emotional Health Wellness

Colon Hydrotherapy Cleanse as Natural Alternative Treatment to Detox Relieve Severe Stomach Pain

Stage 4 Esophageal Cancer Natural Treatment w 10 Day Colon Hydrotherapy Cleanse & Detox

Self Healing Gluten Intolerance w Colonics, Eating for Blood Type & Detoxing Whole Body Naturally

Colonics Cleansing to Naturally Heal Lupus Chiari Malformation - Bonus Natural Spiritual Awakenin

Asthma & Vertigo Natural Relief Treatment to Detox Whole Body with Colon Hydrotherapy

4th Liver Cleanse for Continued Whole Body Deep Tissue Detox

& Spiritual Growth

Colonics: A Natural Alternative to Detox & Self Heal SEVERE Migraines from Pseudotumor Disorder

Stage 4 Esophageal Cancer Natural Treatment w 10 Day Colon Hydrotherapy Cleanse & Detox

Colon Hydrotherapy 10 Day Cleanse to Detox Body & Self

Heal Emotional Bloackages

Natural Prostate Cancer Treatment w Colonics to Detox as Natural Alternative to Chemo & Radiation

5 Years of Pain Gone After Parasite Extraction in Body, Liver Purification & Detox w Colonics

20 Years of Back Pain Nasal Drip & Respiratory Symptoms Self Healed w. Colonics & Energy Healing

Self Healing Neuropathy Natural Treatment w Colon Hydrotherapy - 3 Day Cleanse Change your Life

1st Colon Hydrotherapy Cleanse - Flat Tummy Youthful Feeling & Increased Energy Naturally

Hooked for Life on Colon Hydrotherapy Deep Tissue Detox - Self Healing & Feeling Great Naturally

Colon Hydrotherapy - Easier Than Going to the Movies for Whole Body

Cleansing & Deto

First Colon Hydrotherapy Deep Tissue Cleanse Session - Quick FUN Way to Detox Whole Body

Self Healing Crohns Fibromyalgia Chemical Sensitivity w Natural Alternative Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon Hydrotherapy as IBS Natural Self Healing Alternative to End Gut Cramps & Detox Bod

Naturally Self Heal Pain & Inflammation with Colon Hydrotherapy

Whole Body Cleansing

10Yr Cancer Battle Western Medicine FAILING Self Healing & Cancer Prevention Colonics

Natural Joint Pain Healing Relief w. Inflammation & Learning to Love Yourself Through Colonic

Quit Smoking Now Naturally PERMANENTLY After 20 Yrs w 10 Day Colon Hydrotherapy Cleanse

Paradigm Shift Through Colonic Deep Tissue Cleansing Detox Self Healing for Mind Body and Soul

Self Heal Naturally Sarcoidosis Liver Failure Chronic Fatigue w Colonics Detox to Be Med Fre

Spiritual Self Transformation Through Colonics to Rid Fungus Arthritis Migraines Acid Reflux

Mind Body Spirit Connection Achieved through 7 Day Colon Hydrotherapy Deep Tissue Detox Cleanse

Wholistic Natural Treatment Crohns & Lyme Disease through Colon Hydrotherapy Detoxing

Obtaining Confidence & Self Love Through Colonics Cleanse Detox to Rid Brain Fog & More!

Naturally Heal Chronic Fatigue & Conquer Sugar & Caffeine Addiction w. Detoxing Colon Hydrotherapy

10 Years of Pain Ended From EColi Poisoning Through Self Healing Detox Colon HydrotherapyWholistic

10 Day Deep Tissue Cleanse Detox to Overcome Severe Sugar Addiction Joint Pain Chronic Fatigue

Natural Kidney Failure Treatment Bloating Lack of Appetite and Energy Through Colon Hydrotherapy

Natural Detox Cleanse w. Colon Hydrotherapy to Create Body Mind Spirit Connection

Conquering Breast Cancer - The Natural, Alternative to Detox & Heal w. Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon Fatigue Brain Fog Bloating Nerve Pain Detoxed w. 10 Day Colonic Cleanse Colon Hydrotherapy

Self Healing Diabetes High Blood Pressure Back Pain w. 10 Day Colonic Cleanse Colon

Dr. Michael Show with

Living Waters Cleanse

Lost 20 Pounds in One Month


Colon Cleansing Heals Damaged Nerves and Tissue 15 Years After Surgery

10 Day Colon and Deep Tissue Cleanse Results Best I've Felt in 10 years

Liver Detox Number

2 Helps with Sleeping

Psoriasis Detox Helped

Improved along

with Colon Hydrotherap

10 Day Detox and Cleanse Results in Clearer thoughts, Better Hair, Better Nails and Better Skin

Driving 1900 Miles

For the Living Water's

10 Day Detox Retreat

Cold Relief with Colon Hydrotherapy

4 Days of Cleansing

Toxins We Encounter Daily

Healing Pain: 15 years of pain GONE in under 10 minutes!

Double Mastectomy Recovery Natural


M-F: 9am - 5pm

​Sat by appointment




855 So. Curtis Road, Boise ID 83705

Join our 10-Day Deep Tissue Cleanse & Healing Retreat and change your life for the better. 

DISCLAIMER:  The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for any medical or psychological condition, nor to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Therefore, this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. Living Waters Wellness encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your judgment and research in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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