Quite understandably, most people are a little anxious on their first visit. An over active imagination can generate all kinds of apprehensions!
We would, therefore, wish to assure you that your fears are groundless.
Our clinic has a relaxed atmosphere, and we soon put all anxious clients at ease with our loving and caring atmosphere and experienced staff.
We have all personally completed a 10 Day Cleanse and continue to implement colon health in our everyday lives.
Before therapy begins, we ask the client to fill out a "Client Intake form." Call the Office 208- 378- 9911 to get the form sent to you and schedule. (*there is no online scheduling)
Once filled out and submit it will be in your account. No need to print anything.
This enables us to assess each client's needs and to give appropriate care. We ask that you watch 'How to do a colonic video" before coming in. see video below.
We also request that you watch the 4 Natural Laws of Healing video. This will cover how the body heals from the inside out, how the body detoxes, and all the modalities we use at Living Waters Wellness Center.
After you have completed this form we will do a consultation either in the office or over the phone. Call to ask for the form and Free consult to see if Colon Hydrotherapy is for you. 208 378 9911
We customize each cleanse to help you in your personal growth and body’s rejuvenation. The form also has a "Treatment Consent" paragraph which we require the client to read and sign before the process of colonic irrigation commences.
We go through each step of the Colon Hydrotherapy process with every client. This time of explanation and preparation prior to the procedure is of the utmost importance because it gives clients an opportunity to voice any concerns they may have.
After we have answered all your questions, and you are ready to begin your colonic session, we teach you to insert the (very small) rectal tube and then leave the room to give you privacy. While in privacy, you will undress from the waist down and insert the lubricated Individually Packaged Sterile Disposable Rectal Tube (assistance is available if needed). WATCH THIS VIDEO>
You then drape/cover yourself with a provided blanket. After you get started with the irrigation, we will come back into the room to check on you periodically as needed.
As seen in the photo below, you are able to lie comfortably on cushions on your back, while body-temperature water is introduced into the colon at a low gravitational pressure through the rectal tube.
We would emphasize that this is neither painful nor difficult.
When you feel the need to release, the rectal tube will move to one side inside the rectum and allow the softened feces to flow out, down the drain in the base of the colonic bed passing through a two inch clear viewing tube.
An odor exhaust system ensures the area remains odor free.
The state-of-the-art equipment that we use does not require the constant attendance of the therapist during the irrigation process, nor does the therapist - as required by some systems - use external manipulation of the colon. If you do feel however, that you would like assistance at all during the colonic session, we are very happy to assist any of your personal needs. Don't feel afraid to ask!
The colonic irrigation treatment room is a pleasant room.
A paging system is near at hand to call the therapist at any time.
We also have a selection of music cd's available for your listening pleasure during the process.
The client will discover that the process is relaxing, enjoyable, and invigorating!
Free Webinar
M-F: 9am - 5pm
Sat/Sun: Closed
Join our 10-Day Deep Tissue Cleanse & Healing Retreat and change your life for the better.
DISCLAIMER: The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for any medical or psychological condition, nor to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Therefore, this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. Living Waters Wellness encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your judgment and research in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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