What you should look for in a healthy clean Lover.
What's lurking inside your lover will shock you!
You meet the one! You have your first kiss and you decide a long-term relationship is on its way. You find out that you’re mentally and spiritually compatible, and you're physically attracted to their exterior. But have you ever considered the “gifts” that you may receive? I'm not talking about sexually transmitted disease…although that is a topic for conversation another time; I'm talking about the internal landscape of your future lover. Consciously and physically this person may be everything you've ever dreamed of, however there's more lurking underneath then you probably ever thought possible.
Candida are sneaky little parasites, our society today has an over abundance of them mostly due to heavy mercury toxicity. From amalgam fillings, to flu shots or vaccines – the exposure to mercury has huge consequences on our internal well being.
Our food supply is riddled with sugar and carbohydrates- Candida’s dream buffet of food source, and they thrive inside your lovers gut.
There is no joking that candida/yeast put a heavy burden on the body that can result in skin issues from psoriasis, acne, itchy skin to brain fog, and depression.
Do you or your lover eat pork, sushi, or undercooked meat?
Have you or your lover ever used a public restroom?
How many partners has your new dreamboat had and how many have you had?
There is a good chance that someone in your “intimate” past had parasites, and through sexual contact transmission is very possible. Just what are WE carrying around, and sharing with someone we “love?”
Even though the parasitic load may not yet have an effect on your partner, the new parasites upon you may tip the scales… leading to any number of illnesses, disease and even death.
It's led many of us in the colon hydrotherapy business to joke that if we ever had to take another lover- we would first have them thoroughly inspected and make sure they had numerous colonics and be “certified clean” before we got seriously intimate!
Tapeworms and liver flukes when they're large in size may or may not be passed through the body but the little ones can be easily be transmitted via bodily fluids. And you thought having a handsome lover with a great job is crucial… think again! That exterior beauty does not cover up what truly lies beneath. If your significant other has body odor then you are making love to a toxic
I remember after I did my ten-day deep tissue cleanse and I noticed right away when I went and played basketball with my buddies my sweat didn't stink! Seriously my sweat did not stink and neither did my gas….it was shocking to say the least! And when it came to making love the intimate sessions were extremely extended and more playful than before if you get my drift!
Body odor that was “normal” was now nonexistent which was shocking in itself! More importantly; when you rid the toxins out of your body not only does your body chemistry change, your blood chemistry changes and the nutrition that you begin to take starts to be more effective…giving you more energy, more clarity, and more nourishment.
Immediate things that you can do to check out your lover before you proceed into an unhealthy future.
1. Do they have body odor?
2. Do they have bad breath?
3. Are their eyes clear?
4. Do they have dark circles underneath their eyes?
5. Have them stick out their tongue-is there a coating on their tongue? If so, stay away we have heavy Candida and even one lip lock is putting you at risk.
Ask him how many bowel movements they have, if they have less than one per day they are severely toxic! That built up putrefied crap that's in their body is only helping parasites destroy their internal eco-system.
So now that you know the secrets of keeping yourself safe and healthy, make sure you get your significant other clean right away! Colon Hydrotherapy can help “clean up” your lover.
DISCLAIMER: The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for any medical or psychological condition, nor to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Therefore, this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. Living Waters Wellness encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your judgment and research in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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