That hazy feeling in your head that makes it hard for you to do what you want to do? It's just the way things are these days. Work is hard because you forget little things, like where your car keys are, and question why you walked into a room. You missed the deadlines for getting orders out on time and correctly, and you forgot to call that client back.
Some of you might not even be aware that your memory has been hacked. Memory loss can happen slowly, so you might not realize how bad it is. Ask the people around you. They might feel bad telling you how bad your memory is.
Over the years, many things have made your brain fog worse. It's bad to cook with Teflon pans, drink from aluminum cans, eat foods that contain MSG or GMOs that contain Monsanto's glyphosate, ll up your gas tank and get gas on your hands, use over-the-counter medicines, drugs, alcohol, dryer sheets, toxic soaps, electromagnetic fields from Wi-Fi, your cell phone, and cell towers, and the list goes on and on. When babies are born, their livers already have 250 chemicals in them. Over time, your toxic bucket fills up and overflows, which can lead to a wide range of health problems, such as brain fog.
Your doctor starts to chase your symptoms by giving you hormone and thyroid tests, as well as any other test they can think of, in order to find a reason to give you painkillers. You will never get your health back by chasing your symptoms.
You can get your mind back.
The first thing that needs to be done is to clean out and heal the gut, especially the transverse colon. It's possible that old, rotting poop has been blocking your neurons, which are like little cell phones that keep nerves in your brain from ring. There are a lot of direct connections between the transverse colon and the brain. In fact, there are more nerve cells in the gut than in the whole spine!
How the gut lives is how you live.
Colon hydrotherapy sessions—at least 10 in a row—will help clear up your brain fog. This helps to restore the microbiome, which is made up of 5 pounds of amazing bugs that talk to each other and keep your immune system healthy. There will soon be no stopping your brain.
Yes, most of you reading this are having trouble going to the bathroom, and many of you don't even know it.
The best way to go to the bathroom and keep your body and brain healthy is to have regular bowel movements (think "eat, then poop").
They should have the right shape and consistency.
At the same time, clean out your lymphatic system, liver, and tissues, and get rid of those parasites that are living there for free.
Visit to learn more about how the body heals itself and how you can heal naturally.
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